BMH 315 Up to 282 rpm

Brand : Hydraglobe

BMH 315

Hydraglobe BMH 315 is a hydraulic motor from the BMH series with rotation speed up to 282 rpm.

The Hydraglobe BMH series are compact hydraulic motors designed for intensive, long-term operation. Used in industrial and mobile hydraulic systems. The BMH series includes motors with 5 chamber sizes: 200, 250, 315, 400 and 500 cm3/rev.

The hydraulic motors have a gerotor design, in which a rotor with rounded teeth rotates on the rollers of a fixed gear. This creates a high starting and stable torque, provides a constant shaft speed.

Get your quote for Hydraglobe BMH 315

Motor size315
Geometric displacement, cm³316.1
Max. speed, rpmDenomination – 169, post. - 236, change - 282
Max. torque, N/mDenomination – 454, post. – 740, altern. -827 peak. – 930
Max. output, kWDenomination – 8.2 post. – 9.8, rev. - 13
Max. pressure drop, barDenomination - 12.5 post. – 17.5, change. – 20, peak – 22.5
Max. oil consumption, l/minFast. - 60, change. - 75, variable - 90
Weight, kg11.5

* Приведенные в таблицах цифры и технические данные являются лишь приблизительными.


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Уставной капитал: €10.000,00 i.v.