
 Our strength is in supplying all kinds of hydraulic components to traders, retailers and machine builders. With our wide range of products and excellent logistic capabilities we supply many customers worldwide on a daily basis.

We are your total hydraulic power resource, wherever you are based. With 20 years of fluid power experience, Hydrapac Italia make an ideal choice for your next hydraulic power pack project. Our team of highly talented and motivated hydraulic engineers, are committed to providing you with excellent customer service with the fluid power industry's leading hydraulic products and power systems.

However, this is just scratching the surface on what we can offer. Please see our range of hydraulic products and components to get an idea.  
The best thing to do is to contact us - we will help you find a fluid power solution. For more information or to start developing your hydraulic system, you can email the sales team at

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Vicolo del lavoro, 9 40069 Zola Predosa (BO) Italy
Phone : +39 051 755082 - Email : .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
C.F e P.IVA : IT 02423401203 - R.E.A. 438331
Capitale sociale: €10.000,00 i.v.