Bonfiglioli Riduttori

Bonfiglioli Riduttori

Bonfiglioli is a family-run Italian company with a global presence. Bonfiglioli design and manufacture effective and tailored solutions for all kinds of applications in industrial automation, mobile machinery and wind energy. The three Business Units, Power Transmission Solutions, Mechatronic Drives & Solutions and Mobile & Wind solutions, embody all the know-how and experience needed to support customers growth. The company solutions are based on a wide range of products including gearmotors, drive systems, planetary gearboxes and inverters. Bonfiglioli solutions impact all aspects of daily life, from the food we consume, to the roads we drive on, the clothes we wear, and the light that illuminates our homes.

Hydrapac Italia is proud to be a distributor of Bonfiglioli products worldwide.

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Contact us if you’d like to request on any Bonfiglioli Riduttori Products.


Vicolo del lavoro, 9 40069 Zola Predosa (BO) Italy
Phone : +39 051 755082 - Email : .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
C.F e P.IVA : IT 02423401203 - R.E.A. 438331
Capitale sociale: €10.000,00 i.v.