Fridle Group

Fridle Group

From sealing systems to hydraulics, the Fridle Group stands for quality, experience and reliability. In every area of application. Over the years the group has grown to include high-profile components such as Guarnifluid and HT - Hydraulic Technology.

Fridle is a reality born under the sign of resilience and over the years has grown to become the most important point of reference in the market.
Today, thanks to strengths such as organisation, 350,000 product references in stock and an advanced integrated logistics system, Fridle continues to guarantee its customers the most efficient solution in all industries. They research, purchase and distribute sealing systems, fluid connectors and hydraulic components, proposing innovative and cutting-edge solutions.
They design, develop and manufacture gaskets that are custom turned to guarantee complete support to those that choose them.

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Vicolo del lavoro, 9 40069 Zola Predosa (BO) Italy
Phone : +39 051 755082 - Email : .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
C.F e P.IVA : IT 02423401203 - R.E.A. 438331
Share capital: €10.000,00 i.v.