DLMTAPPI was founded in 1985 and, thanks to the long-term experience in oleodynamic and oleopneumatic fields, is set as the reference partner for the realization and the moulding of protection plugs.Items are studied, designed and engineered for the safeguard of threads and to prevent external contamination during manufacturing and transport of the finished products.

Hydrapac Italia is proud to be a distributor of DLMTAPPI products

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Contact us if you’d like to request on any DLM TAPPI Products.


Vicolo del lavoro, 9 40069 Zola Predosa (BO) Italy
Phone : +39 051 755082 - Email : .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
C.F e P.IVA : IT 02423401203 - R.E.A. 438331
Share capital: €10.000,00 i.v.