Atos Superfast Delivery Program CART M-5

CART are screw-in, direct operated pressure relief valves. They are used to limit the max pressure in the hydraulic systems or to protect part of the circuit from over pressure. They are available in six sizes for different flow and pressure ranges.

The cartridge execution is specifically designed to reduce the dimension of blocks and manifolds, without penalizing the functional characteristics.

Option RS, conforms to the Machine Directive (2006/42/CE), with factory preset and lead sealed regulation. The factory pressure setting required by the costumer corresponds to the valve’s cracking pressure.

Max flow: 150 l/min Max pressure: up to 420 bar"

With pressure range 100, 210, 250

Get your quote for CART M-5 - ATOS


Vicolo del lavoro, 9 40069 Zola Predosa (BO) Italy
Phone : +39 051 755082 - Email :
C.F e P.IVA : IT 02423401203 - R.E.A. 438331
Share capital: €10.000,00 i.v.